Friday, December 28, 2012

Hey y'all.

I want to go back to blogging but I don't know where to start. And I don't know how I'm going to keep up with it not when I know the next few months will be pure bliss for me.

Note sarcasm. Please and thank you.

You know those days when you feel like shit for absolutely no reason and everything that comes your way seems to do nothing to help with it? I'm having that day today. And I can't sleep--more precisely, don't want to sleep because I don't feel like it. Shit is all I feel. Shit.

There have been events that contributed to this...emotion..whatever you want to call it. But I'm pretty sure on a regular day I would be in a better mood even if those events happened. Now everything just seems to appear crappy and unappealing to me. Even jogging. How can I loathe jogging? I used to dig that shit.

If you count the number of times I used the word 'shit', you would have a solid reason to send me for confession. The one thing I did not go for a long time...cause...I don't know. Why didn't I go again? Oh yeah. It was too long ago for me to remember. Oh well.

You know...I'm not exactly the nicest person out there...But I give people second chances. Not always, but I do. It's just sad to me that people don't give me any chances (sometimes, specifically now), and instead make things worse for me. I'm not hoping for anything when I do something good for someone, but I'm always hearing the same thing "Do for others what you want done for you." And cause of that, I'm just here wondering, " I missing something?" Cause I'm not getting the similar treatment I give people.

That is a mini rant for one of the events that happened today. I'm not gonna continue ranting. Ranting is for yellowbellies.

Results tomorrow. If I have to repeat Moral, so be it I'm gonna go smother myself with ice-cream. If not then...I don't know what went wrong...Hahaha. I couldn't even answer half of the paper. Heck...I made my own theories. But yeah. Just gonna count my blessings and shut my mouth.

Goodnight and till next time...if I do come back.

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